About the Albanian Evangelical Mission

Established in 1986, the Albanian Evangelical Mission (AEM) seeks to support Gospel work, prayerfully and financially, amongst Albanians, while also ensuring that needs for prayer are communicated to our supporters.

What we do

  • Place missionaries as the Lord leads men and women from the West to go and serve in the Western Balkans.
  • Support local evangelical churches financially and prayerfully to enable them to employ pastors, evangelists and other church workers, also to rent or buy buildings and run events like summer camps.
  • Produce literature in the Albanian language for use in evangelism or to encourage and stimulate believers, with a special focus on providing resources for those who preach and teach.
  • Organise conferences and seminars with the aim of creating and reinforcing a love of Biblical preaching and teaching.
  • Continue to keep churches in the West informed about our Albanian brothers and sisters for mutual encouragement and to enable the development of direct relationships between churches.

How you can be involved

  • By praying.
  • By serving on an Albanian summer camp. We can always use you, if you have the time and energy, at camps for the young, the not so young and family groups.
  • Consider whether you or your local congregation might partner with us, or with individual churches and workers in Albania and Kosova.
  • Stay in touch through the monthly Prayer Updates and/or our biannual Newsletters. Both are available by email or by post.
  • Invite a representative to visit your church and report on the work of AEM.
  • Through financial support. AEM welcomes donations from individuals and churches who take an interest in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with Albanian people, and encouraging the life and work of Churches in Albanian speaking lands. Follow this link to make an online donation. You may also make your contribution by using online banking or by standing order (please contact us for our bank details), sending a cheque to our address or by naming AEM in your will

Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of
season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all
longsuffering and teaching.
2 Timothy 4:2

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.

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